What We Do

Flowing Pilates offers customized Pilates sessions based on your needs.
All of our services are offered as virtual or in-person sessions; one-on-one, duet, or in small group settings; in English, French, or Spanish.
Our custom workshops can be held in both national and international locales.

Virtual Pilates

Pilates anywhere, anytime and always with real-time instructor supervision. All you need is a WiFi connection and a smart device.

In Person Pilates

In your home, office, place of business, gym or studio of your choice In-Person Pilates sessions can be held anywhere and adapted to all of your needs.

Physical Therapy Pilates

A combination program of Physical Therapy + Pilates customized to your physical needs. You will be pain-free and armed with knowledge on how to heal yourself through movement.

Flexistretcher Pilates

Flowing Pilates is certified in the Flexistretcher system.
We offer in-person and virtual sessions to train you how to use the tool correctly and maximize the benefits.